Tuesday 3 June 2014

The laws of IMPOSSIBLE; Is Meant to be broken,not standing...

Most of the people here think that things are impossible and cannot be solved.Yes some are true like you can't pass though a wall or some dreams like that but some of them have the capability to do these things which seem impossible but they are not."You cannot"means that he is telling to ONE particular person not ALL.But "IT IS IMPOSSIBLE"Means he is telling to more than 5 or 6 people but you know that most of the people have done it by making something that  can BREAK THE WALL us on doing it,also some of the people say that the machine that YOU made and YOU are using,is doing it for you.
Actually they're wrong about it.Because help does not fall from the sky.They come from a person's mind on how they did it...Isn't that also impossible on making it work?People may say that "But it is impossible so it can't be done"But then,they do not realize that he may not have just done it directly by his own hands and practiced but he may have made a machine which is by HIS CAPABILITY which is possible so it's like this;

This seems like a a drop of paint which fell on to water.. same way is impossible...If people can find something that can accomplish something nobody has ever done..The "Impossible"  wall breaks.
So what i'm trying to say is the meaning of why impossible means actually NOT nothing,But instead now i know who ever made the word impossible didn't just create it for no reason like impossible is nothing,But what he might have really meant is that impossible...Is just.....A challenge..

Sanjay Krishna B

The thing that can break the walls of impossible... is your true capability...

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