Tuesday 25 February 2014

It doesn't matter if want to do what you ONLY want..it matters on what is right to do

People these days think that they have lots of freedom all the time..They think that they can do everything that THEY WANT TO DO..
Do you think that's right?
It's not because having freedom won't make you much better because it does not teach you anything unless you want to do the same thing over and over again....
They keep doing only one thing until one fine day where they have to come and change their ways of how they do it...
Freedom is not there all the time for you..there are times where you have to come and dodge all the problems of any type either sport or anything else you have to do it by one way not the highway...

Take the choice of freedom or challenge...
Because taking the right option like a challenge will teach you something new,different unlike freedom where you can do anything and keep doing someother thing then skip to another like that unlike a challenge where you have to do one particular thing in one moment of time not different different skipping is going to give you progress but what's the point of skipping when you do nothing... No hard efforts and no rewards...
Progress can happen by skipping it or instead by doing it from the efforts if you can't do it and you won't do it is also ok but it doesn't mean you quit.....
But go wherever the challenge takes you because if you can do that then no one is stopping you...Choice is one thing you can't avoid in life..
Because it's your life purpose... If you avoid it the what's the point of living?

Dare ignore it but Most welcome to solve it and do it

Tuesday 18 February 2014

When the river stops going to the sea means it's lifetime is done...It's goal is complete

Do you know that every river goes to a sea and reforms again?
Yes,But why is it important?so what if it reforms? No.....That's what some people around the world think....but then when the river flows all the way down to the sea completely clean then it's life is done with its goal...Most people just reach their goal in the time when they are alive but filled with the dirty water...they just say that they have completed their goal to win something and a cash prize and become a millionaire...
Since that person is filled with dirty water he will not do anything with his money...He would just use it for clothes or something..But a real person with the clean side will never do something like that what he would really do is to donate that huge money to children around the world who are suffering all the time....and then the river goes away to the sea....
So if you achieve something you will become a clean river but then if you do not achieve something and act silly all the time means he is a dirty river...your choice whether to be amazing and change the world..

You change the world or the world changes you.....

Sunday 16 February 2014

Inspiration by sports:Formula one,Don't be fearful of what you do...

Formula one is where people race others with cars made up of carbon fibre.
In this sport drivers there are unlike taxi and normal drivers,They race in very high speed.Many people in this world,they are scared of going to fast as they think they will crash...
But for these drivers they go very fast and they don't think they can stop and start going slower and slower because they know that they can do it and they don't care what happens... There only care is to win fair and square...
They race as it is their life...That is how people should behave but sometimes people are very scared unlike any other sport where you can just tag into your teammate an he will do it for you..But formula one is where you cannot tag in but you have to go at the raging speed to win a race but you also need the controll to keep that pace.why im telling you this is because motorsport is the same as life,If you crash you lose in life if you crash means you fail but instead of failing it is more likely to prevail.

If you do not have control over your car then you are most likely to fail.
But if you have control over your car then you are more likely to prevail.
Just think the words that i write are with your life not the car....

When your car reaches the summit means your destination is complete,Your destiny.
Finally after a few years the car will reach its neutral level and goes down the cliff and when the car falls down and touches the ground means it is the starting of your second life. while it is falling slowly means the end of your life is near after your career is over...

People who are fearless, the car drops after the career but people who are fearful will happen before...

Saturday 15 February 2014

Think of the people who are suffering for disease before you leave a country or any place

Many people here have done many problems,such as coming up and giving farmers less money for them...
You see people do something worse sometimes...
they have not changed and just left that suffering place.

some careless fellows will just without knowing what they just make a forest fire.
Trees take in the carbon dioxide from the dirty air.
trees provide shelter and is this how people thank trees?

Farmers give us healthy resources and we thank them by giving them only a small bit of money?

Is this what the people do here?,Unfortunately people here are just too much into superiority. they think they can do anything and they start cheating people but if they ever do then people know that god will punish them but who will do something for you unless you ask for doing something for you?

That is the mistake people do..
at first the person who got cheated gets to know they will complain to a senior.
But then the senior will say that the person who cheated you and say he is much better and i have no right on doing that.
so then the person who gets cheated gets very mad and either gives up and suicides himself or he will kill the cheater.Then that person who killed the cheater he will get pictured by someone and then everyone will be afraid of that person forever and then the whole economy crashes...

this is what fools and idiots do.
but if you choose to be in a better shape 
then it means you stay and help.
not be an idiot ,take the resources,and run away
 with that huge trouble... do you know how many problems happen?future gets ruined then earth will be squeezed up like a lemon but there are many people who choose to be fools but there are ones which choose to become a greater person in life........

I'll see if i can show you a video about that (made by me)

Thursday 13 February 2014

Do what you want to do but do the best.......

People these days think that they are not sure of what they can do...
but it is something that can make that person amazing.
Why do you think so that does happen to many people?

It is because of low confidence.
If you know you have the complete capability of doing it then why not do the thing you desire to do? 

My answer:You see a few people get these problems because of other problems...
those people have those kind of nasty problems.....
But there are some destined people who can do this,change the world...
you know you may have many problems like there is a test coming up and you can't go for a tournament.

Many people think that is a huge problem and cannot do it hence they miss the tourney.

But they are wrong.

Just think about it:  Is'nt time our life? do you think tests and all things that take only a day will ruin your life?

A tournament takes at least a few days does'nt it? but a test takes only a few hours...

tourney or test....

You decide to lose your tourney because of a few hours (or just 45 minutes)

Or decide to sacrifice the test for tourney...

if you work in  an office they will remove you but then you will also learn from that tourney.
Change in work....

A Businessman....
Or a sports man who is fit everyday and night and has something to do everyday unlike in an office where you just do some financial business there keeping your eyes glued to the computer 
day and night....

What do you learn from the mahabharatha?Chapter one

Have you ever read the mahabharatha?it is known as one of our epics.
As you can see some people have been saying what does the mahabharatha teach us?why did ganesha write it? Who cares?
Well why say who cares?The god has written it so it is meant to be kept careful.
Mahabharatha is what tells us how the world is.
How it is meant to be.
Why it is written.

lets start from the beginning.

Many thousands of years ago there was a sage.
he was a witness for the Great War that happened in the mahabharatha.
He was the one who composed the entire epic.
He wanted to write it because he wanted everyone to learn what the gods have done.
And now im going to tell you the meaning of the first meaning.

Ganesha wrote this epic. why do you think do?well its a good question.You would know that no god will come from the heaven and write with his own hands and write many many lines.
here's the first one:

Long ago,there was a king.
he was not married,alone.
one day while he was going to the river,he saw goddess ganga.
he asked her to marry him.
 she said yes but in 1 condition.
Not to ask any question.Do you know why? here,
it is because she knows that she will have 7 evil sons born to them and one will be very rightous to the world.on one fine night she gave birth to another son.
Then the king came up to her and when he came she dropped the baby in the river then the king stormed up and said that why have you thrown not only 1 but 7 on my sons? he asked in anger.then ganga said the truth that the seven sons were evil and the eight son will be rightous and left to the forest 
you learn that sometimes you have to do sacrifices to create an amazement.
do you know he was named grandsire beeshma*
his supreme sacrifice made his name beeshma.

'7 sacrifices equals to one ultimate.'

what did you learn from this?type down the comments and tell what you learnt.

*A kind of a great person.

__________________________schumi vettalian_______________________________________________

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Don't keep the ball,Keep pushing it.

I've really heard that many people have many problems. 
Those people always need support. Do you think you can solve problems that way?Absolutely....Wrong. 
You want to know why?It is because in the future,Your mother and father won't be there to help you. You have to help your self. 
It's either someone else to do it FOR you.......Or you do it yourself. 
What do you achieve when someone else does it for you?Do you achieve anything?You see that the person who works for you will only get achievements,But if YOU do it without support,Then you will be the champion. 

The person who holds the ball stays,the one that tackles back the ball and just keeps it on one place,Then what's the point of even having the ball?
Just for holding it?Just for making it a showcase?Or for taking it and kicking it to the top? What do you think you choose?The punctured ball...Or the perfect ball...if you know what to choose,then do it. 
If your mind gives up,Then get it back up. No helping. 
It is always survival in our life. If you take the life seriously then you can do anything. But if you do not...Then it is just normal and mild. 

You can choose to raise a country...or be in it. 
You don't have to be a great boy or man to do everything..You can do anything even if you are deaf or blind or anything. You can be a badminton player too...but have a secret talent for writing. If you can do it then show it!Not to just keep it. KICK that ball push it up to the mountain,your destination,determination and your destiny to finish. Everybody is destined for good. If we use too much of water from a river,it will eventually be empty. But if you have a limit...It cannot. 
That's why if you kick it too hard to smash the goal...means you are just doing it for nothing. Just to win. When you get that feeling then you get really out of concentration and it will just roll from the mountain and fall down to level one. 
Wisely or hastily. 

~~~~~~Schumi vettelian~~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday 9 February 2014

Think as if one mistake can cost your entire life....

You see many people make mistakes,actually everyone. But not to take it everytime! But it is never meant to  be repeated...Some people you know,they always repeat the same mistakes over and over...Do you think that's right? No it isn't.     
Why do you think so?
It's because when people keep doing mistakes again and again means they have never LEARNT FROM THOSE MISTAKES.  
When they learn from those mistakes and not do that then they might become better in life as well as your career. If you think that every single mistake means a life for you(like your friends and all)then you can become an amazing person on the future

It is because when you do not make mistakes ,you will become better in a way such as doing EVERYTHING RIGHT  and never wrong. This is one of the slogans i have been thinking about:"An apple is thrown away when it is rotten but any apple which is proper and fresh it is kept and is better. It is which one you choose to be.Either the better one...Or rotten one. 

Schumi vettelian

Saturday 8 February 2014

Just because someone is bossing over someone and everyone says that he is superior means he is not...But with perfection you can be kind and much better...

Have you ever seen a bad person coming and FORCING OTHER PEOPLE TO THINK HE IS SUPERIOR? Then it means he isn't superior at all. He just wants others to THINK HE IS not make himself be. But to make him wrong and never hit or punch anybody;By gaining more power than him. But by using it in a good way!You see, people use this in a bad way but here are the stages how they become bad and what are the consequences;
1) They become smart
Consequences are:bad people become too smart and also get tricked by their own tricks(in a different way)
2)They start gaining superiority (and more stupid at the same time).
3)Too superior(also highly obnoxious)
They force people to make them believe they are the best of all and beat people. 

You see and that's what the world is now and will probably be 90000 years from now. But good people are not exactly but opposite of bad ones. They are smart but they use it in a better way. They gain superiority but by kindness and achievements. 
They become most superior but instead of terrible, they are great leaders. Who do the good. Why do people have to do bad things?
Why not good?Is it because its too nice and people will cheat you?NO  if you are too nice then god will surely be with you. He will tell you things by the form of your heart. I think if you see my last post you would know and always remember this question:
What's the point of having power or superiority if you are not at all going to use it?
If he is then it is his choice whether bad or good. Also if he chooses good then his future will turn out to be good,if its bad then his future will turn out to be terrible and it is also same with cheating. If someone is cheating then you have to beat his tricks!It is not like someone can say that you are terrible in that this or anything!If you beilieve you can do it you will have to do practice. Every morning sportsman eat at 5:00AM and start jogging after half an hour. 
Same way if you are to beat him then you have to practice. Who do you think will stop you? If somebody does then just push them away from your way!
If it is your relatives then convince them. 
And if nothing stops you,You can be a champion. 

Because you are clearing your way,climbing up really fast to the summit,And finnaly you reach the summit. 
Assume that the summit is your goal. And how did you get up there?By practice. If somone is troubling you (the bad superior people as an example)then you race him to the summit!
If you want a challenge then so be it!Then finally comes history. 
If you are gonna take a harder challenge then your fame will spread out as you have completed such a difficult task. 

And that's how you take the first place from bad guys. 

(And take not meant by just snatch it. )

Schumi vettelian~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday 7 February 2014

The wrong does not matter.... right is what you are supposed to do

Many people here have done wrong things...But why? Is it because they think that they have been mistaken for everything but not! They are only trying to tell you what mistakes you have done. All people here get graduated for all right things. But wrong things,just forget it and start doing right. Right things are what people are supposed to do.while  many people just feel very guilty on what wrongs they have done. Wrongs are nothing to feel angry or guilty about,but to turn them to RIGHT.if you keep the wrong and go with it. Then things get worse than ever. What your heart says just do it. Not only your brain always. The smoke comes from fire and trees come from seeds. Same way the thoughts come from brain and right comes from heart. Music comes from rhythm. And power comes with strength. 
That power is also mentally so it is either you listen to the brain ( which is physical) or heart(that is mentally)brain may be the thoughts but they can also be wrong but unlike the brain the heart says everything right.Never wrong. Mistakes happen but not to be repeated. Sometimes you have to be merciless and only a little,you have to be merciful. Because life has right and wrong it's what you choose to be and what you choose to do. Either right...Or wrong....
~~Schumi vettalian~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Every one has their own amazing talents...Don't hide,Show...

You know some people just come and say"Oh i am not feeling well" but they are not. It's just an excuse from your talent. And that is terrible to do such a thing. When you are going to give up then give up with your dignity and win with pride. But people hide their talent by shame. Though they are amazing in one thing, they feel quite nervous and just forget their winning and start losing. People just think that they cannot do it but actually do it. 
It does not come from the mind,It comes from your heart. 
One day you are an amazing person but the next, do not make people poking on your face and saying you are not good enough.  
That means of shame. If people who are better than you and say haha who thinks you are even a CHALLENGE?! And that gets me into rage. When you get rage,means how much revenge do you get? That's what happens everywhere. 
The world is not a place where everything is wonderful and nice, it is filled with revenge,rivals and challenge. If you are worthy to be a winner, you are supposed to show that. 
Not to be poked around everyday. 
The day when a person says that you are not a challenge at all then from that day prove that you can beat him up every time and make him wish he did not say that. Fight for your fame. Fight for your dignity and fight for your power. Never keep talents hidden. 
Use it. Summon that power...
Schumi vettalian

Thursday 6 February 2014

There are many opportunities in this world. Either take it or leave it.

You have an opportunity for everything. Either an opportunity for getting a paid thing or getting levelled up in a game.  There are also opportunity for things like a scholarship for a university. Yes it is but many people like to stick with the old creaky self all the time like watching tv or playing in the computer. 
But there are some people who have taken the opportunity for all sorts of amazing things and have gone to higher levels. The people achieve every time when they get to another level. 
Its like a life cycle. At first the babies are in the egg and then they come out and all those stages,same way your life. Same way our legacy and our race. That's what. It's not wise or better to be one stage only. You might think its one levelled only but no! Take it as different levels and high difficulties,high risks and sacrifices that is thanks to only  practice.  Not all things are by luck in this world. 
Does not matter  if you are just a normal king and doing nothing but bossing around. It only matters if you make a change on your self, on your family and most important,THE WORLD. Not just one person. 
No support by your friends in a high level. 
You have to learn to get your own support. 

A second with unnecessary things can be a disaster. 
In high levels...
24/7 in high levels is called "GOOD practice". 

No difficulty=No gain..

To gain you need to be on a higher level,better challenge and ultimate practice. 


Never stop doing what you do..but be precise of what you choose to do...

What is your most favourite you like to do?Most of the people i have seen either play something or play computers or watch tv but what does that teach?Your life matters of what you do but to choose what you are going to do very wisely. 
You get to choose your destiny. Either have a not so good past but a wonderful future. But here do you also think that anyone is stopping you from doing something so great? Or watching or doing games?Of course on some certain things your parents will not allow because of your age but the rest,Who's stopping you?
You can choose to a normal man and have a MILD life. Or a famous man and have a WILD life.
When you choose your destiny then it will be very,very hard to do it again at the future so its actually better to choose it at your past. Time is never meant to be wasted by unnecessary things one what your path to be is. It is either "Born to be MILD" 
Or "Born to be WILD" mild is normal and usual like any other person. 
But WILD is amazing and very unusual from everyone else. 
 The hard way is where you CHALLENGE but the easy is where you LEARN. That is how people waste their talent by one thing;Distraction. And that's why it is better to get RID of them when you are young not to waste time and do it later. 

~~~~~~~~~written by Schumi vettelian~~~~~~~~~~~