Wednesday 21 May 2014

The keys to change the world....

The keys to change the world..Together..
You see, there are people in their lives just acting normal,seeming normal,AND ARE ALWAYS NORMAL.... But in the world there are people who are not just normal, they achieved. Like the difference of day and night... to achieve it does not mean that you just sit on one spot on a stadium and see somebody shoot a goal or overtake the opponent.These "Olympics" and 'FIFA" are not just meant for entertainment always...
What people don't realize is that it is also, INSPIRATION, making you do that thing,this thing, making you one of the top people on the world..Just because you live in a very old and garbage place, does not mean that you cannot become the best..
You see in my last post i showed you that video, it is not just inspiration...It shows how the world around you will be when you have set a goal for yourself...
12 hours,16 hours and more time of practice, it's like hell where you have to do it,it is all survival on how you walk through the tightrope,If it is large and more broad...It's a cakewalk... But if it is narrow and thin then it's six letters coming for you:
B E W A R E ....

That's how it will be, but if you have a goal and you have set to it then you have to stick to it..And by that way you could change the world..Now why i am also adding a "together" to that is because, it is not meant to be a battle against each other.
I'll tell you in other ways, Imagine this:
You and your opponent are at the same place and wants to see who will win,it is like they are trying to see which gum will stretch the is like earth is on both of their hands and they are like " hey give me that, give me this"so it is like they are stretching the world that way, stretching it so much that people in it are like " Oh no... we are going to be doomed by those people" But instead of fighting each other, why not do it together,why not go higher and higher together and finally stop to see who is the real champion instead of being a beginner and do things that are wrong over and over..The real thing is to help one and tell to help two more, if it goes that way then it may work, for your country, and most important is YOU. First show pride for yourself, Then to all others... And so,That my readers, is a way of how you can do this...

Tuesday 20 May 2014

The most inspiring video you will ever see...

Hello readers, you may notice that this is not one of my usual posts.
This is how people really have to be,this is the reason why we are alive.This is the ultimate key to inspiration.
Now, the reason why i am doing this is because, in many people's lives, this is their circle:  BORN___LIVE___DIE

But.. in powerful and successful people who have lived life as a challenge, this is their circle, my friends: BORN__LIVE_____ACHIEVE___DIE(With pride)   

Now this my friends, is what people are really meant to do...

Saturday 17 May 2014

No matter what happens to you, what happens to anything, the goal and the key is to achieve greatness

Imagine that the world in front of your eyes is just.. Crumbling down... You feel like"All that is mine is lost..."
Also, i can't do anything with them, it is no use....
No matter what happens, you have to finish your goal,
Break the limits because i'll tell you one thing...
That's what limits are meant to be done with.
Now, just picture these things that i say,

One day, i was sitting an playing games all the time...
After many days past, the same thing over and over...
Then one fine day i had realized that i have been doing the wrong thing over and over. I am not meant to do all these stuff over and over... I am supposed to achieve.. Give some time to do all my "other" things.... It means that we have to get the inspiration and move on to the top of the world..
And why i am telling to do this is because it isn't just for every time money you get.. It is because to change the world on how it is right now... That is why we have to do this. Change the world..
HERE      AND      NOW...