Thursday 17 April 2014

Do not fall for traps..They will always occur on your life..someway on the other

Okay this is the first attempt so watch this and tell me what you learnt from this on the comments.   Also there might be some errors, sorry for the inconvenience..Get inspired.. 

Monday 14 April 2014

Objects....Its either you take them as a distraction or take them as...a challenge

Objects...more known as an Obstacle..people think that they have to just break it but where they are wrong at is that they can keep pushing more than the limits and win it,and that it is that challenge.most of the people are afraid of these kind of things as they make it harder for you but..
Why think that way?  Just because it is hard doesn't mean that does not affect your goal.You have to come up on life you have to take objects as a CHALLENGE not a thing that stops you the most!If you think that the object stops you,then who is actually stopping you is yourself.Because you are the one who thinks like that and your thoughts affect what you are going to do.
It matters if you can stop all those boring thoughts that will stop you,and change it from stopping to hardening for a better achievement,not better stopping power,
I want to tell you all this,

Once i was sitting and playing a game in a device.
Though my mother had told me a million times telling me:SHUT THAT THING'S MOUTH! (in my words not her's) but i did not stop,i thought it was a real challenge to do it but now i had just figured,it ain't any challenge in this world,only in the virtual..Because in the real world,everyone is SUPPOSED to go beyond the other ones,and i would tell ya,This is the reason i made this blog..

Thank's for reading,grazie amigo