Tuesday, 1 November 2016

I will be there

I will be there.

Oh there are days of misery, pain and loss..
but that doesn't mean I'll get cross..
With all my willpower, I'll roar like a bear,
And I'll rise up, and I will be there.

Put down, by the burden called life.
But all of that, is just a lie.
Blood,sweat and tears, all that, i can bear,
Because one day, i will be there.

Yesterday I was standing top,
Today I went down with a flop...
But tommorow, I will get out of my snare,
And I will go back, to being there.

When I'm staring at my final breath,
I will not die with dreams dead.
No matter how steep or unfair,
I will finally, be there.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Self-Control, is the key to success

Self control is a thing that everybody suffers to gain, or takes extremely long time, for even i, still have not mastered self control. It is like a river of chi, when all the chi are unlocked, the path is free. But when if even one of the chi is blocked, then the path is still blocked up. For few (according to my point of veiw) it is easy to attain self control, but with all these years passed, we human beings have redirected our minds to different things, which take us from the right path, to the wrong one. Believe me, that has happened to me too, and it was even worse than school assignment due dates, if you ask me... But the point of this whole sudden conversation is that true success happens only when you put a 1000% of brainpower into it, when you close all the doors, windows, then open your mind and see what is the right thing to do, when you see what is the meaning of doing the right thing and what is the meaning of another distraction, you will finally be able to have self-control. One can truly see the right and wrong path, when they are between the doors, neither inside the box, or outside. That is when you get "In the zone." Discipline comes from school, while self-control comes from the mind. Now you may be wondering(of course you will) what's the difference? Here's the answer. Discipline is to do something in perfect  properly, while self-control, now that.. that is the thing which is to do everything without distractions with an absolute self driven mind, with a determination so high, that nothing can ever fit it in, self-control allows you to control the body, make it do EXACTLY what you want to do. The right thing to do. Commit something, do it with a proper discipline and with a perfect self-control over the reality, and you will be able to do anything. You will neither be inside or outside the box. You will be in-between the two worlds, and in that time, both worlds unite... And so do you.